Category Dinner

Fall Chicken + Acorn Squash

So here in Atlanta, it feels like fall at 8 am and then again at 8 pm- in between, it feels like summer. I love this weather come the winter, but in the fall, I do miss Milwaukee- the leaves would change colors, sweaters and scarfs would be a must to walk to class, and […]

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Burger

Two weeks ago, I was in Cleveland for the weekend. Mrs A was showing me this cleanse she was starting- 21 days of basically eating just fruits and vegetables, with chicken being introduced into the diet on day 11. It has had me thinking… and brainstorming of recipes and my own diet, of not including […]

Chicken Marsala (minus the Marsala) Pasta!

Well, where do I begin… I have been on a slight blogging sabbatical (ish). Life is moving crazy fast, and as my roommate pointed out, “its not like you aren’t make extremely elaborate meals- so… why haven’t you been blogging?”- so very true…. what have I been doing? Fall Crafting: Candy Corn Banner and Melted […]

Stone Ground Mustard Vinaigrette

Moving to a new city makes you appreciate many things… but one in particular is visitors. A few months back, I told my Mom (and I stand by this statement) that I would give up all Christmas gifts, to have a visitor once a month for year. Visitors mean that much… it is a taste […]

Summer Shrimp Boil

I had an epiphany realization yesterday… I am an extremely CLUTTERED person. I know, shocking. It shocks most people because as a person, I have my life in order, like to the point where I think I should be age 50. I am mature, responsible, and over think every action I take, because at age 23, […]

Summer Cuban Pasta

So… I don’t know what kind of music mood I am in currently, John Mayer wasn’t cutting it, my Avett Brother’s Pandora station was to chill… I needed my OC soundtracks from high school- which are buried somewhere in my sisters car. Thanks to the internet, I found a website that houses all the OC […]

The All Y’All Burger + The Sandy Pelican Slider Contest

This past weekend I was in Hilton Head with Mark and his family. What a great time. It was beautiful weather Saturday and Sunday! The house we stayed in was HUGE but it was the company in the house, that made the trip so special. Being in Atlanta and having my family so far away, […]

Summer Chicken Skillet

So, I am attempting to run. This is a powerful first sentence, I know. But the most important word in this sentence is “attempting”. As most know, I am always trying new exercise routines, and as most also know… I fall off the bandwagon… quick. I have attempted to run, numerous times before- but this […]